Artificial Intelligence: What You Need to Know About AI

For a long time, the term Artificial Intelligence (AI) referred to science fiction, something totally out of our reality. With the advancement of technology and the creation of increasingly improved equipment, today we already know that machines can have much greater potential - even in tasks that, until then, could only be performed by a human. Even in the face of the advances achieved so far, many people cannot imagine the wide possibilities that technology offers in various sectors. So much so that the issue is still a challenge for many managers and entrepreneurs who have not yet been able to take advantage of AI to improve their products and services. To expand this understanding of the various mechanisms of Artificial Intelligence and how it can assist in our personal and corporate routine, we have prepared an article with answers to the most frequently asked questions about the technology. Keep reading!

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Briefly, we can define Artificial Intelligence as the capacity of machines or systems to work in a way that “mimics” human thinking in carrying out various tasks.

In addition to following commands, these electronic devices are also capable of improving according to the information they receive, allowing decision-making and faster problem resolution. That is, a concept that refers to the development of logic and reasoning.

But how is that possible? Understand how artificial intelligence works!

To understand how artificial intelligence works, it is also necessary to talk about computer science. This is because she studies data processing techniques and methods, with a central focus on the development of algorithms.

With this in mind, it is also necessary to address the concepts of “hardware” and “software”. The first is the physical part of a machine, while the second refers to the system that functions as the “brain” of the equipment.

Now, we return to Artificial Intelligence. When we see a car that drives alone, for example, the hardware is an important part of the mechanism, but it is the software used in the machine that allows movements without human intervention. These movements are guided by algorithms, a sequence of instructions that guide how the software will work.

When they first appeared, the algorithms followed simple models. Today, their logic works in a complex way so that they are able to identify the best path to follow in a given function, even if there are other options. In this sense, it is necessary to combine them with data that allows the algorithm to understand the possible hypotheses and the best answer for the given command.

And when we talk about technological advancement, this premise applies to increasingly refined tasks, which require solving problems involving thousands of variables. However, the operation follows the same logic: based on a programming already done, an algorithm considers the variables, processes the data and determines the answers for each command.

What are the different approaches to Artificial Intelligence?

Normally, Artificial Intelligence is divided into two different approaches: Symbolic AI and Connectionist AI.

In Symbolic Artificial Intelligence, devices work through commands that use symbols, letters, numbers, or words. The objective is to simulate logical reasoning using human language.

In Connectionist Artificial Intelligence, on the other hand, inspiration comes from the functioning of human neurons. To this end, the approach simulates the brain's own mechanisms to enhance the machine's ability to “learn” as it works.

There is also talk of a third approach: Evolutionary AI. In this case, the algorithms are based on natural evolution and the simulation of diverse concepts - such as environment, phenotype, genotype, selection, and death - in artificial environments.

Strong Artificial Intelligence vs. Weak Artificial Intelligence

In addition to these approaches, the differentiation of artificial intelligence by type has also emerged: strong and weak.

Also known as self-conscious, Strong Artificial Intelligence is one that simulates human reasoning in such an agile and assertive way that technology becomes a more qualified alternative to meet labor demands in companies. Normally, the technology uses techniques of Machine learning and deep learning.

Weak Artificial Intelligence, on the other hand, refers to devices that aid in data processing, report generation, and automated interactions - but do not reach the level of self-awareness of the strong one. An example is the bots in chats and emails, which are created for various purposes but are not yet able to solve specific problems.

All of these concepts are applied in various sectors of the economy, industry, retail, entertainment, and even health. An advance possible thanks to the use of AI in conjunction with different technologies, such as Big Data and Internet of Things (IoT).

Advantages of Artificial Intelligence

It is undeniable that, currently, several activities would not be possible to be carried out without Artificial Intelligence. Especially in large companies, technology makes it possible to carry out tasks with a level of speed and assertiveness that would not be possible with human labor alone.

In other words, AI has become synonymous with efficiency and productivity. It is also not possible to ignore the benefits for quality of life in various aspects, as well as the reduction of errors that endanger human life. All this because of the advantages of technology in the application of various tasks:

  • Greater precision: AI has a minimum or non-existent error rate when compared to human actions in delivering the same demands due to the possibility of prior programming;
  • Speed: with technology, processes become more agile - as does decision-making. And, of course, machines are capable of acting repeatedly and uninterruptedly, which surpasses human exercise in several aspects;
  • Impartiality: since the activities are carried out by machines that think logically, any feeling or emotion that would be associated with the process (and influence the results) in the case of humans is discarded;
  • Safety: another positive aspect of machines is the ability to perform tasks in hostile environments, a situation that puts the physical integrity of human beings at risk;
  • Predictability: an essential aspect that increases the efficiency of any process with the use of AI is the possibility of anticipating problems, combating failures and acting in a preventive manner.

When they act together, all these advantages represent an important innovation in companies that invest in technology. The result is production optimization, cost reduction, and process integration.


What about the disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence?

As for the drawbacks, one that afflicts many professionals is the reduction in job offers in various sectors with the replacement of human labor by machines, electronic devices, and software.

It is important to stress that not everything is possible to undergo this transformation, but the fact is that technological progress has this effect in several areas - which is the replacement of jobs.

But on the other hand, just as technology streamlines processes, it also influences the emergence of new types of professionals and drives the need for training to meet this demand, especially in the strategic field.

It's also worth remembering that all these changes don't happen overnight. Especially because, as we pointed out, machines are still operated by humans - even if they are in a more strategic area in the case of AI. So, the key word for taking advantage of artificial intelligence and not seeing it as a “competitor” is adaptability.


How to implement Artificial Intelligence solutions in your business?

If you've come this far, you understand the importance of understanding how Artificial Intelligence works to implement it in your company's digital transformation process. But before taking the first step, it is necessary to carry out good planning to establish the goals and objectives in the use of technology.

An idea not to delay this implementation is to avoid choosing multiple focuses, which would also require a high financial investment. Even if it's not a “forbidden” strategy, testing AI on a small fraction of the company can help to better understand the potential of the technology within the segment.

It is also essential to collect as much data as possible to allow the chosen AI solution to integrate securely and reliably with other workflows. And, of course, look for companies with excellent references in their business segment to implement the technology.

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